Art is Love

Ah, Valentine’s Day. To some, it’s a useless, Hallmark holiday - an overcommercialization of sugar and flowers. An opportunity to pull the marketing guilt levers and peddle massive amounts of empty gestures. An excuse to sell people expensive sheets of paper and tiny chalky hearts that say “be mine” (or OMG ILU BAE in the more modern candy heart lingo). 

To others, it’s a very real way to celebrate love and show someone you care. A tangible moment in our hectic lives to pause and really appreciate the people you care about. 

In so many ways, art is love and love is art. We can’t speak for all artists of course, but most artists that we know love love. The act of creation is inherently an act of love and passion. 

So if you believe Valentine’s Day is synonymous with love, and love is synonymous with art, then we’ve got the perfect plan for you!

Presenting the perfect Valentine’s date, in seven easy steps:

1) Date night, dinner on the Downtown Bentonville Square! 

2) Eat a great meal. Order dessert. And wine. 

3) Definitely wine. 

4) Stroll on over to Art On The Square! 

5) Browse our impressive collection of works by local artists. Engage in a passionate debate about art and which pieces you love. 

6) Sweep your date off their feet by buying them their favorite piece of art. 

7) Throw caution to the wind and treat yourself to your favorite piece... you can be your own Valentine, too!


Feelin’ Grand


Great Things