Happy Two Years To Us!

It’s hard to It's hard to believe that this month marks two years of Art On The Square! In honor of our anniversary, founding member Diana Shearon shares her story.

"In early September 2020, my artist friend Matt Coburn called one morning. He told me about an opportunity available to start a cooperative gallery on the Downtown Square in Bentonville. Matt had already invited me to several art events and the Art Market on several Saturdays in 2019. Those events had been very successful. He called in the early morning just as I was preparing for a “covid-safe” getaway with my husband, Dennis. I asked Matt if he could give me a couple of days to think about it, and he said yes.

While we were packing for our trip and loading the car, Dennis and I discussed the potential of being part of the gallery in Bentonville. Within an hour, I called Matt while we were on the road. I told him being part of the new venture in Bentonville was definitely an opportunity I wanted to be part of.

In mid-September I brought my work to the beginnings of the gallery, and by the beginning of October, watched those first walls at 102 E. Central Avenue transform into a diverse and colorful display of artists from all over the state. The challenge of starting this new venture in the midst of an international pandemic has been a tremendous undertaking. It has also been an exciting, transformative experience these last two years at the gallery. Art On The Square is now a fully established art gallery occupying all of the downstairs of our beautiful 125 year old building. Many thanks to Matt Coburn, the artists, and the Bentonville community who have watched our fledgling gallery grow, prosper, and become a vibrant part the unique area known as downtown Bentonville." -Diana L. Shearon

Images below in descending order: 1) Matt and Diana's first wall at the gallery 2) The gallery, present day 3) Artist workspace for on-site painting


Meet the Artist: James Hayes